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Friday, August 9, 2013

Veggies and VBS

I am enjoying the abundance of local farmers' gardens.  We have been eating so many fresh veggies every night with our dinner.  The kids absolutely love sweet corn and can not get enough of it.  They've been asking each night if it is being served.  I was told that there is a new variety in our area of sweet corn called "peaches and cream" that doesn't need any butter or salt because of its sweet flavor.  I've never tried it but would like to find a farmers' market that sells it.  I have to be careful about no salt and just a tiny dab of butter on my corn on the cob.  I could overdo it easily.  I stayed up really late one night after church snapping green beans so I could make a big crock of green beans and new potatoes for dinner.  They were so good.  Fresh food is really the best.  It just takes extra time and more work for the preparation, but it is so worth it. 

Bad news on the front is that I haven't made my workouts this week.  I am helped my sister teach a VBS class with her junior high youth group at church and it  kept us busy day and night.  We spent all day planning and running errands and then the class was from 6-9 p.m.  However, last night was commencement, so I'm ready to get back to exercising.  I'm feeling very sluggish from the lack of exercise. 

My sister and I at the church's pavilion for an outing.  She is wearing the bunny ears ;)  I just love her and she does such a great job leading the kids in her youth group.  It was a pleasure teaching vacation bible school with her this year. 

1 comment:

  1. How nice you can do VBS together! It's been a lot of years since my kids have gone but they always enjoyed it.
