Weight tracker

Monday, July 30, 2012


Most of the time I can keep my cravings under control.  I always remind myself to drink a large glass of water first, and then wait  awhile  to see if I am still hungry.  Most of the time I can get distracted and forget about a craving or have something small (100 calories) to satisfy a craving. 

However, I still can't get myself trained to avoid those strong cravings and wanting to snack during TOM.  I try REALLY hard just to have a healthy snack but my hormones just will not allow it!  I know I can try harder but it never fails that I overeat and usually with junk food during TOM.  I crave dill pickle chips and chocolate.  I know!  Pure junk food with no nutritional value.  I don't go crazy with cravings and snacks during TOM like I did in the past, but it is still a real challenge for me.  I don't won't to blow all of my hard work over some hormonal changes. 

Ugh... I don't know maybe some day I will find a way to conquer those cravings.  I do substitute some for what I am craving but I eventually end up eating what I wanted in the first place.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Workouts are on track

I finally have my workout schedule on track!  I had been hit and miss with the insane heat in our area, but not anymore.  Last week I made a promise to myself not to make any excuses for missing a workout.  I had many "excuses" last week: my daughter's cheer camp schedule, insane heat (100 degrees), and my normal crazy, busy lifestyle.  Each time I started to justify missing a day of working out, I had to remind myself the importance of working out and why I needed to do it.  The need isn't just physical but mental and emotional as well.  I just feel so much better about myself when I stay on track with exercising. 

On my weigh-in day, I lost just .2 of a pound.  I was really disappointed and I think I even said "seriously!" aloud.  However, when I took the time to journal/log my weight, I realized that I went out to eat too many times.  So fingers crossed that my exercise plans stay on track and I don't indulge in too much food this week.   Eating out at restaurants gets my weight loss off track every time.  I try to limit myself to one restaurant meal on the weekend and one during the week.  Last week I went out to eat three times during the week!  I just can't hide that on the scale. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

On the Omega 3 Bandwagon

It seems like everywhere I turn someone is talking or writing about Omega 3 and its value for weight loss.  I declined getting on the bandwagon in the beginning. However,   I have eaten tuna and grilled salmon for quite some time without realizing they are a super omega 3 source.

During the summer I am able to devote more time to researching weight loss and health.  I've read so many articles stating that Omega 3 rich food and supplements aid in health and weight loss - especially belly fat.  I didn't realize that even my own mother was taking an Omega 3 supplement.  She claims that it helps to keep her cholesterol under control.  No research - just mom's viewpoint :) 

So... I decided to aid my intake of Omega 3 by adding a supplement.  I will say that the only thing I have noticed is that the supplement makes me burp - yuck.  However, I hope the supplement is positive in the long run.  I did notice at the store that there is a burp free version of the supplement.

I would recommend any comments or viewpoints on taking Omega 3 supplements.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Heat is Back!

I thought the area where I live had surpassed the scorching heat, but boy was I wrong!  We do have hot summers but usually not scorching until August.  The heat is back to 100 degrees for today and tomorrow and now the humidity level is up too :(  The humidity is actually making outdoor workouts more uncomfortable than the 100 + degrees we experienced earlier in the month.

Despite all of the above whining, I still walked outdoors this morning.  My son and I have been hanging out for a couple of hours each day.  My daughter has cheer camp in another town, so he gets my undivided attention which we have both enjoyed.  Today we spent our time walking at that town's park.  It was already hot and humid at 10:00 a.m.  We walked three + miles together and then walked out to the pond to feed the ducks and geese.  He was so nice about working out with me before he could play.  I feel so blessed to have such a caring son. 

This heat has presented a real challenge when it comes to working out.   For some reason, I just can't force myself onto the treadmill during the summer. I love walking and jogging outdoors, so staring at my living room's wall just isn't enticing.  I know that when winter gets here I won't have any choice but stare at that wall, so until then it is all outdoors for me. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Find Your Start

I had this on my FB page from Special K and it said to share with anyone, so I thought I would post it here. 

I know I've had countless number of "starts" for losing weight.  Honestly can't even put a number on it.  And I'm not sure why this "start" was any different from all the others.  I think it was more about after the sprint of starting, I found a way to keep going.  My kids were an important part of my endurance this time.  I want to keep active and healthy not just for my myself but for them as well. 

My dad died when I was a teenager and missed out on so many important life events.  That is a huge part of my wanting to stay healthy and be around as long as possible for my children.  My daughter watched our wedding video for the first time and she asked why my dad wasn't there.  She has heard so much about him and knew he passed away before she was born, but she didn't realize the time frame.  I told her he was already in heaven and didn't get to see my wedding day.  Her response, "I want you to be there on my wedding day, and I want you to meet my babies."  I sure hope so :)

So find your start and maybe even more important is your motivation to keep going!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hanging In

Well, my plan to exercise every day last week was almost reached.  I missed one day due to a yard sale.  I justified missing that day with all the work I did in setting up for the sale.  Yes, I know by using the word justified I really mean an excuse :) 
I indulged WAY too much during the 4th of July activities.  My sister makes amazing zucchini spice bread and I had several slices.  And for my followers you know I rarely eat any bread.  So I weighed in after all that good food and I was up another pound!  It was enough to kick my rear in gear and get that pound off before my "official" weigh in day. 

I even walked in a record 106 degree day during the evening. I figured if I could sit outside in 106 degree weather for six hours of a yard sale, I could walk four miles out in it that evening.  Both Friday and Saturday of my yard sale were record heat days!  What was I thinking?  

On to a better week and another goal of getting some form of exercise every day.  One week I will make my goal friends :)  Now I have to work on those three pounds that I'm still up...